Displaying Sarongs: Creative Model or Mannequin Ideas

If you've been trying to determine the best way to display sarongs from a quality wholesale sarong supplier, you may be surprised by how many options you have. These versatile products can be displayed in a wide range of different ways, each of which makes it more likely that you will make a sale. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Displaying Sarongs: Creative Model or Mannequin Ideas
One of the greatest things about sarongs is how versatile they are. If you're not taking advantage of the versatility of a sarong in your model or mannequin displays, you are really missing out on an opportunity. Here's what you need to know to make sure you are making the best of your models and mannequins
Short Dress
Sarongs can be tied sleeveless to create a rippling front that is very appealing as a short dress. It can also be tied around the neck in a couple of different ways, each of which end at the knees for a fun, flirty effect.
Long Dress
Long dress styles end with the sarong at about mid-calf. This style creates a fairly tight fit that emphasizes curves. You can also pair it with a belt to give it a more polished look.
As a Skirt
By doubling the sarong over, you can use it as a short skirt. It can be very effective as a graceful long pencil skirt as well. Pair with a bikini top for a cute beachy look as a partial cover-up or with an attractive collared top for a more mature style.
As a Cover-Up
Sarongs don't have to be the primary garment. They work great to give some privacy and flare to a skimpier dress or a bathing suit.
Try showing off sarongs being used as cover-ups in various ways, including as a shawl, wraparound, etc. This can be a very playful way to cover up a pair of short shorts or add mystery to a skimpier top.
Displaying Sarongs off the Mannequin
Sarongs are unusual among clothing in that they can be displayed off the mannequin or model as effectively as on. You may find that you significantly increase your sarong sales by displaying them in colorful new ways.
You want your customers to see sarongs as versatile home decorating options as well as a choice in clothing. Here are a few great ideas for displaying your wholesale pareos off the mannequin:
As a Wall Hanging
Displaying sarongs as wall hangings is a great way to bring color to your walls and show off your merchandise. Just hang the sarong anywhere you want an affordable dash of color and decoration.
It's up to you whether you want the sarong to be straight and flat or whether you want some movement and folds in it. In general, sarongs with eye-catching designs work best flat and those with more subtle colors are best with some folds.
As a Surface Covering
Whether you have an eCommerce store and want pictures of your products or you are physically designing your brick-and-mortar, you can show off sarongs as surface coverings. They work especially well draped over end tables. They can even serve as attractive displays for other products.
Draw some casual attention to a sarong and convince a customer to pick it up and feel how soft it is by draping it over items in the store. A few sarongs on a hook by the register can attract attention and prompt a last-minute sale.
Have Fun Displaying Your Wholesale Pareos
Have some fun as you work out how best to display your affordable sarongs. A touch of playful tie-dye or Celtic design can add a lot of flare to a space or a photograph.
Decorate with a theme by using wildlife sarongs or mandala sarongs. When you are trying new things and having fun with your design, you may be amazed by the profits you see.
by Coral